Sunday, May 9, 2010

First Post/Statment of Intent

Well after many hours and a lot of tweaking this blog is finally up and running. I guess the next thing would be to kind of give a brief explanation about why I have started up this blog.

There are a couple of reasons why I have decided to start up this blog. One major reason is actually kind of split in to two. The main purpose of this blog will be to have a place where people can come and see my art and follow my work as it grows. A second part to that is that by placing my art out for it to be seen by all I will no longer have that phobia of having my art out to be seen and critiqued. The other reason for starting up this blog is to hopefully have it work as a tool for me in the future. Although I haven’t given to much thought in to making my images purchasable my hope is that if I decide to that this site could help to make that happen.

For now I will continue to post and put out images as often as I can. There are a few different images from my work over this last school semester uploaded in to my photostream on Flickr and more should be coming fairly soon hopefully.